Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?

The American Freedom Defense Initiative put up these posters around New York City. For those who can't read, that says "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel, Defeat Jihad." Its an Ayn Rand quote, and the people of New York saw fit to do this to the posters.

You know, if the Israel/Jihad part was taken out, that could have just been an extra part of the ad for The Chamber Music Society! But instead these poorly thought out posters were slapped with "Racist" tags over them. They are trying to start the ad campaign in Washington D.C. as well, but so far are seeing a little pushback.

These ads are so stupid. Not that there is anything wrong with supporting Israel, or being against Jihadists, but when your campaign is so easily dismissed just on the face of racist, hateful speech like this, it makes it difficult to look past it to the actual message.

I'll have more substantial posts later this week!


  1. What’s racist about the ad?

  2. I'd say the use of the word to describe Israel's enemies as "savage" conjures some racial undertones, but of course I know the defence for the ad would be to say that they are referring strictly to Jihadists actions as being savage, as opposed to "who they are." Not surprisingly, MTA tried to refuse to print them as they considered them hate speech, but that was eventually overturned.

    Really, its an ad hominem attack made by Pamela Geller, an insane birther who has characterized NYC mosques as KKK shrines, and has called the Democratic Party "national socialists."

    She doesn't speak for Israel, she speaks for a far far right fringe.

  3. Is fighting over the definition of "free speech" an American specialty?
